WildLawn Backyard Seed Growers Network
The WildLawn mission is to reinvigorate our local native plant populations by increasing the production of local native seeds, producing seedlings, and supplying restoration projects and native plant nurseries with high quality, backyard-grown seeds and plants.
Want to participate in healing your local ecology?
Do you have a few hundred square feet of lawn or old garden beds that you can dedicate to growing native wildflowers and grasses?
Would you like free native plants?
WildLawn® is an ecological restoration company dedicated to healing the urban and suburban environment. Our specialty is converting backyard lawns into authentic wildlife habitat.
Seeds shared under this program will be grown by ArcheWild®, a professional restoration nursery and services firm for planting out on restoration projects in your area and for supplying your local native plant nurseries and garden centers.
Read this article to learn more about the role of genetics in native landscapes: https://archewild.com/ople
“The increasing magnitude and frequency of climatic events is straining the recovery capacity of ecosystems, in synergy with invasive species and land conversion... The need for ecological restoration in the 21st century will continue its trajectory toward an unmatched scale.... A limited supply of native seeds and other native plant materials is a widely acknowledged barrier to fulfilling our...needs.”